Residential Electrical Specialists in Queensland

The New Home Electrical Specialist provides new home design and electrical installation in Queensland. We always deliver a range of innovative electrical solutions that meet your needs. Our skills, commitment to excellence, and network of impressive partners have earned us a name as one of the top electrical contractors in Queensland. 

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Trusted Name in Queensland’s Electrical Industry

The New Home Electrical Specialist has the specialist expertise and technical knowledge to complete any electrical installation project from concept through installation. As a builder, we know that client satisfaction is your first priority, so we make it our priority too. You can trust us to fulfil your client’s expectations. 

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We Support Your Clients

Delivering your clients’ projects on time, on budget, and above expectations is your priority, and it’s ours too. The New Home Electrical Specialist is recognised as an industry leader in new home electrical installation, which we owe partly to the builders with whom we work and our shared dedication to client satisfaction.

  • Consistent Communication

  • Transparent Pricing

  • Custom Electrical Work

  • Quality Products